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Parser Rules

An image from the static

  • The router will only match the URL paths, not query strings or search parameters & hash or anchor.

  • The paths will always be matched case-insensitively.

    Eg: /about is same as /About.

  • The trailing slash / will not be matched by default.

    Eg: The route /docs will match path /docs but not /docs/.

  • A route segment can have named or unnamed or both the parameters.

  • The parameters name must be defined by prefixing the colon : character to the name.

    Eg: /users/:userID, here the userID is the parameter name.

  • The parameters name must match this regular expression [A-Za-z0-9_].

  • The named parameters match their value using this regular expression ([^/]+).

  • The named parameters default matching can be overridden by the custom regular expressions, the custom regex must be defined by suffixing (regexp) to the name.

    Eg: /orders/:orderId(\d+), here the param orderID matches only the digits.

  • The unnamed parameters must be defined by custom regular expressions.

    Eg: /photos/(.*) can match paths like /photos/my-family.jpg, /photos/selfie.png.

  • The regexp caputring groups are not allowed inside the custom regexp.

    Eg: This will throw an error /photos/(.*.(jpg|png)). But this will not throw an error /photos/(.*).(jpg|png).

  • The modifiers *, +, and ? must be placed after the parameter.

    Eg: /:chapters*, /(.*)+, /docs/:slug?